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Found 2738 ads

Gotua st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

1 583 226A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) A four-storey house with a total area of ​​580 m2 is for sale on a 380 m2 plot on Gotua Street in the center of Tbilisi. Number of rooms 16. Number of bathrooms and toilets 11. The house has central heating and all rooms are air conditioned. The house has balconies, a covered veranda, utility rooms, etc. The house is fully equipped with furniture. The yard is surrounded by an original stone fence, fenced with spruce and planted with ornamental plants. There are two panchaturi and Georgian corners in the yard, as well as a swimming pool. The house can be used for both commercial and residential purposes.

  • 580.00m2
  • 16
  • 4
  • 11

Bzipi st., Elia, Tbilisi

518 643A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) Urgently! An investment housing plot of land is for sale at an affordable price in Avlabari, near the Trinity Cathedral, on Saingilo Street. Construction development is possible with a multi-apartment residential house project of medium intensity.

Tskneti, Tbilisi

1 692 414A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) (Owner) For sale in a prestigious place in Kvemo Tskneti, near the almond gardens, a house with a large yard and beautiful views of Tbilisi. 1020 m² yard area, 580 m² living area. Finnish sauna, wine cellar, several storage rooms, three fireplaces, billiard room, detached garage, parking for several cars in the yard, orchard of almost all types of fruit trees.

  • 580.00m2
  • 9
  • 4
  • 3

Dzotsi st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

1 501 335A $ $ A

For Sale 580m2 New building Private House Newly renovated. Price: 1 501 335 A

  • 580.00m2
  • 10
  • 6
  • 3

Tskneti, Tbilisi

2 183 760A $ $ A

For Sale 580m2 New building Private House Not renovated. Price: 2 183 760 A

  • 580.20m2
  • 8
  • 4
  • 4

Gantiadi st., Elia, Tbilisi

1 082 162A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) The gap is taken on an apartment building.

Gunia st., Vera, Tbilisi

2 456 730A $ $ A

For Sale 584m2 Land (Non agricultural). Price: 2 456 730 A

Ateni st., Vake, Tbilisi

4 913 460A $ $ A

For Sale 585m2 New building Private House Newly renovated. Price: 4 913 460 A

  • 585.00m2
  • 10
  • 6
  • 3

M. Melkadze st., Ortachala, Tbilisi

2 101 869A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) For sale, with energy-efficient materials, a 3-story private house built locally in Ortachala, 650 m2, with a yard of 730 m2, 4-meter capital fence, fruit trees, fans, grill. With a yard paved with Ananur and Nichbis stones. The second floor and stairwell have been completely renovated. In the remaining area, only painting works are to be done, plasterboard ceiling is pasted. 1st floor parking for 4 cars, large living room 80m2, 2 bedrooms, hall, bathroom, auxiliary room with toilet. 2nd floor, living room 70 m2, 4 bedrooms with balconies, wardrobe, kitchen, pantry, 3 bathrooms, toilet. 3 floor living room 60 m2 with fireplace, 3 bedrooms with balconies, kitchen, large veranda, 2 bathrooms. The house can be used for a hotel.

  • 586.00m2
  • 12
  • 10
  • 8

Kipshidze st., Vake, Tbilisi

721 050A $ $ A

For Sale 587m2 Land (Non agricultural). Price: 721 050 A

I. Chavchavadze Ave., Vake, Tbilisi

4 367 520A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) A duplex penthouse for sale in a high-class residential building.

  • 588.00m2
  • 7
  • 0
  • 0

Peikarta st., Sanzona, Tbilisi

1 501 335A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) Roadside, stained-glass, commercial, 4-storey shopping area for sale! 600 sq.m. The space has a private parking space of 105 sq.m. The commercial space is located in an easily accessible, best location, 1 km from the "Ghrmaghele" metro station, at the beginning of Feikre, on the left bank of Mtkvari. The space is suitable for various types of economic activities.

  • 594.46m2
  • 4
  • 1(4)
  • 1

Kaklebi, Tbilisi

928 098A $ $ A

For Sale 595m2 Land (Agricultural). Price: 928 098 A


605 993A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) Land for sale on Chavchavadze Street in Mtskheta.

Sajaia st., Vake, Tbilisi

5 077 242A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) Newly renovated 4-storey house in Vake is for sale or rent.

  • 600.00m2
  • 16
  • 11
  • 12

Atoneli st., Mtatsminda, Tbilisi

2 729 700A $ $ A

For Sale 600m2 Old Building Commercial Space (Universal Space) Black frame. Price: 2 729 700 A

  • 600.00m2
  • 10
  • 3(3)
  • 0

Digomi 7, Tbilisi

2 675 106A $ $ A

For Sale 600m2 New building Private House Newly renovated. Price: 2 675 106 A

  • 600.00m2
  • 10
  • 7
  • 4


136 485A $ $ A

For Sale 600m2 Land (Agricultural). Price: 136 485 A

  • 600 m2
(Auto Translate!) A four-storey house with a total area of ​​580 m2 is for sale on a 380 m2 plot on Gotua Street in the center of Tbilisi. Number of rooms 16. Number of bathrooms and toilets 11. The house has central heating and all rooms are air conditioned. The house has balconies, a covered veranda, utility rooms, etc. The house is fully equipped with furniture. The yard is surrounded by an original stone fence, fenced with spruce and planted with ornamental plants. There are two panchaturi and Georgian corners in the yard, as well as a swimming pool. The house can be used for both commercial and residential purposes.
  • 10

For Sale Hotel on Saburtalo dist.

Gotua st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 580.00m2
  • 16
  • 4
  • 11
(Auto Translate!) Urgently! An investment housing plot of land is for sale at an affordable price in Avlabari, near the Trinity Cathedral, on Saingilo Street. Construction development is possible with a multi-apartment residential house project of medium intensity.
  • 1

For Sale Non agricultural Land on Elia

Bzipi st., Elia, Tbilisi

  • 580 m2
(Auto Translate!) (Owner) For sale in a prestigious place in Kvemo Tskneti, near the almond gardens, a house with a large yard and beautiful views of Tbilisi. 1020 m² yard area, 580 m² living area. Finnish sauna, wine cellar, several storage rooms, three fireplaces, billiard room, detached garage, parking for several cars in the yard, orchard of almost all types of fruit trees.
  • 11

For Sale Private House in Tskneti dist.

Tskneti, Tbilisi

  • 580.00m2
  • 9
  • 4
  • 3
For Sale 580m2 New building Private House Newly renovated. Price: 550000$
  • 6

For Sale Private House on Saburtalo dist.

Dzotsi st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 580.00m2
  • 10
  • 6
  • 3
For Sale 580m2 New building Private House Not renovated. Price: 800000$
  • 10

For Sale Private House in Tskneti dist.

Tskneti, Tbilisi

  • 580.20m2
  • 8
  • 4
  • 4
(Auto Translate!) The gap is taken on an apartment building.
  • 2

For Sale Non agricultural Land on Elia

Gantiadi st., Elia, Tbilisi

  • 583 m2
For Sale 584m2 Land (Non agricultural). Price: 900000$
  • 1

For Sale Non agricultural Land on Vera dist.

Gunia st., Vera, Tbilisi

  • 584 m2
For Sale 585m2 New building Private House Newly renovated. Price: 1800000$
  • 46

For Sale Private House in Vake dist.

Ateni st., Vake, Tbilisi

  • 585.00m2
  • 10
  • 6
  • 3
(Auto Translate!) For sale, with energy-efficient materials, a 3-story private house built locally in Ortachala, 650 m2, with a yard of 730 m2, 4-meter capital fence, fruit trees, fans, grill. With a yard paved with Ananur and Nichbis stones. The second floor and stairwell have been completely renovated. In the remaining area, only painting works are to be done, plasterboard ceiling is pasted. 1st floor parking for 4 cars, large living room 80m2, 2 bedrooms, hall, bathroom, auxiliary room with toilet. 2nd floor, living room 70 m2, 4 bedrooms with balconies, wardrobe, kitchen, pantry, 3 bathrooms, toilet. 3 floor living room 60 m2 with fireplace, 3 bedrooms with balconies, kitchen, large veranda, 2 bathrooms. The house can be used for a hotel.
  • 39

For Sale Private House in Ortachala

M. Melkadze st., Ortachala, Tbilisi

  • 586.00m2
  • 12
  • 10
  • 8
For Sale 587m2 Land (Non agricultural). Price: 264150$

    For Sale Non agricultural Land in Vake dist.

    Kipshidze st., Vake, Tbilisi

    • 587 m2
    (Auto Translate!) A duplex penthouse for sale in a high-class residential building.
    • 2

    For Sale Flat in Vake dist.

    I. Chavchavadze Ave., Vake, Tbilisi

    • 588.00m2
    • 7
    • 0
    • 0
    (Auto Translate!) Roadside, stained-glass, commercial, 4-storey shopping area for sale! 600 sq.m. The space has a private parking space of 105 sq.m. The commercial space is located in an easily accessible, best location, 1 km from the "Ghrmaghele" metro station, at the beginning of Feikre, on the left bank of Mtkvari. The space is suitable for various types of economic activities.
    • 4

    For Sale Universal Space in Sanzona dist.

    Peikarta st., Sanzona, Tbilisi

    • 594.46m2
    • 4
    • 1(4)
    • 1
    For Sale 595m2 Land (Agricultural). Price: 340000$
    • 3
    (Auto Translate!) Newly renovated 4-storey house in Vake is for sale or rent.
    • 15

    For Sale Private House in Vake dist.

    Sajaia st., Vake, Tbilisi

    • 600.00m2
    • 16
    • 11
    • 12
    For Sale 600m2 Old Building Commercial Space (Universal Space) Black frame. Price: 1000000$
    • 7

    For Sale Universal Space on Mtatsminda dist.

    Atoneli st., Mtatsminda, Tbilisi

    • 600.00m2
    • 10
    • 3(3)
    • 0
    For Sale 600m2 New building Private House Newly renovated. Price: 980000$
    • 28

    For Sale Private House in Digomi 7

    Digomi 7, Tbilisi

    • 600.00m2
    • 10
    • 7
    • 4