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Found 545 ads

Gotua st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

478 695A $ $ A

For Sale 145m2 Nonstandard Old Building Flat Renovated. Price: 478 695 A

  • 145.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 3

Panaskerteli-Tsitsishvili st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

656 496A $ $ A

For Sale 146m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 656 496 A

  • 146.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2

Ana Politkovskaya st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

281 746A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) A three-room apartment is for sale in an ecologically clean place, with a view of the greenery, with high-quality finishes, furniture and appliances.

  • 55.00m2
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

Antonovskaia st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

287 217A $ $ A

For Sale 72m2 Czech Old Building Flat Renovated. Price: 287 217 A

  • 72.00m2
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

Kartozia st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

410 310A $ $ A

For Sale 65m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 410 310 A

  • 65.00m2
  • 2
  • 1
  • 1

Pekini Ave., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

738 558A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) I am selling it as an office space, that's why it has this price. The apartment has windows and a balcony facing Beijing and the side of the inner courtyard, the entrance from the courtyard.

  • 100.00m2
  • 3
  • 2
  • 2

Gazapkhuli st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

820 620A $ $ A

For Sale 210m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 820 620 A

  • 210.00m2
  • 5
  • 3
  • 2

Dolidze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

547 080A $ $ A

For Sale 103m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 547 080 A

  • 103.78m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 1

Bochorishvili I blind alley, Saburtalo, Tbilisi

519 726A $ $ A

For Sale 130m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 519 726 A

  • 130.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2

Al. Kazbegi Ave., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

437 664A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) Newly renovated two-room apartment for sale on Kazbegi Avenue, Axis.

  • 74.00m2
  • 2
  • 1
  • 1

V. Chikovani st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

465 018A $ $ A

For Sale 99m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 465 018 A

  • 99.00m2
  • 4
  • 2
  • 1

Panaskerteli-Tsitsishvili st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

574 434A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) Apartment for sale, on the corner of Fanaskertel and Bakhtrioni Streets, in the first entrance, with a view of the Hippodrome. All rooms have perfect lighting, the house is sunny and warm. The area of ​​the living room is 50 square meters. The large bedroom is 30 square meters, it can easily be converted into a 4-bedroom apartment. From the high floor there is a good, open view of the racecourse. has a basement.

  • 170.00m2
  • 5
  • 3
  • 2

Panaskerteli-Tsitsishvili st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

377 485A $ $ A

For Sale 67m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 377 485 A

  • 67.10m2
  • 2
  • 1
  • 1

Kostava st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

683 850A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) Apartment for sale, with high level renovation, high ceiling, in the best location.

  • 90.00m2
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

Nutsubidze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

1 094 160A $ $ A

For Sale 240m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Eurodesigne. Price: 1 094 160 A

  • 240.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 3

O. Chiladze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

711 204A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) Next to the Republican Hospital on Saburtalolo. A large flat on the 6th floor. There is no elevator. Repairs were made several years ago. With 4 large bedrooms, a very large and comfortable living room, a fireplace, 2 bathrooms, (one with a jacuzzi) a storage room, a large kitchen and 2 large balconies.

  • 280.00m2
  • 6
  • 4
  • 2

S. Tsintsadze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

820 620A $ $ A

For Sale 240m2 Nonstandard Old Building Flat Old renovated. Price: 820 620 A

  • 240.00m2
  • 5
  • 3
  • 2

Tavadze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

787 795A $ $ A

For Sale 180m2 Nonstandard Old Building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 787 795 A

  • 180.00m2
  • 5
  • 4
  • 2
For Sale 145m2 Nonstandard Old Building Flat Renovated. Price: 175000$
  • 14

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

Gotua st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 145.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 3
For Sale 146m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 240000$
  • 21

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

Panaskerteli-Tsitsishvili st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 146.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
(Auto Translate!) A three-room apartment is for sale in an ecologically clean place, with a view of the greenery, with high-quality finishes, furniture and appliances.
  • 5

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

Ana Politkovskaya st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 55.00m2
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
For Sale 72m2 Czech Old Building Flat Renovated. Price: 105000$
  • 8

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

Antonovskaia st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 72.00m2
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
For Sale 65m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 150000$
  • 7

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

Kartozia st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 65.00m2
  • 2
  • 1
  • 1
(Auto Translate!) I am selling it as an office space, that's why it has this price. The apartment has windows and a balcony facing Beijing and the side of the inner courtyard, the entrance from the courtyard.
  • 6

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

Pekini Ave., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 100.00m2
  • 3
  • 2
  • 2
For Sale 210m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 300000$
  • 7

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

Gazapkhuli st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 210.00m2
  • 5
  • 3
  • 2
For Sale 103m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 200000$
  • 13

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

Dolidze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 103.78m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 1
For Sale 130m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 190000$
  • 7

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

Bochorishvili I blind alley, Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 130.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
(Auto Translate!) Newly renovated two-room apartment for sale on Kazbegi Avenue, Axis.
  • 14

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

Al. Kazbegi Ave., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 74.00m2
  • 2
  • 1
  • 1
For Sale 99m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 170000$

    For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

    V. Chikovani st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

    • 99.00m2
    • 4
    • 2
    • 1
    (Auto Translate!) Apartment for sale, on the corner of Fanaskertel and Bakhtrioni Streets, in the first entrance, with a view of the Hippodrome. All rooms have perfect lighting, the house is sunny and warm. The area of ​​the living room is 50 square meters. The large bedroom is 30 square meters, it can easily be converted into a 4-bedroom apartment. From the high floor there is a good, open view of the racecourse. has a basement.
    • 6

    For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

    Panaskerteli-Tsitsishvili st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

    • 170.00m2
    • 5
    • 3
    • 2
    For Sale 67m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 138000$
    • 10

    For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

    Panaskerteli-Tsitsishvili st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

    • 67.10m2
    • 2
    • 1
    • 1
    (Auto Translate!) Apartment for sale, with high level renovation, high ceiling, in the best location.
    • 33

    For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

    Kostava st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

    • 90.00m2
    • 3
    • 2
    • 1
    For Sale 240m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Eurodesigne. Price: 400000$
    • 18

    For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

    Nutsubidze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

    • 240.00m2
    • 4
    • 3
    • 3
    (Auto Translate!) Next to the Republican Hospital on Saburtalolo. A large flat on the 6th floor. There is no elevator. Repairs were made several years ago. With 4 large bedrooms, a very large and comfortable living room, a fireplace, 2 bathrooms, (one with a jacuzzi) a storage room, a large kitchen and 2 large balconies.
    • 8

    For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

    O. Chiladze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

    • 280.00m2
    • 6
    • 4
    • 2
    For Sale 240m2 Nonstandard Old Building Flat Old renovated. Price: 300000$
    • 6

    For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

    S. Tsintsadze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

    • 240.00m2
    • 5
    • 3
    • 2
    For Sale 180m2 Nonstandard Old Building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 288000$
    • 13

    For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

    Tavadze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

    • 180.00m2
    • 5
    • 4
    • 2