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Found 2742 ads

D. Kipiani st., Mtatsminda, Tbilisi

846 207A $ $ A

For Sale 180m2 New building Private House White frame. Price: 846 207 A

  • 180.00m2
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0

Vazha-Pshavela ave., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

682 425A $ $ A

For Sale 180m2 Nonstandard Old Building Flat Not renovated. Price: 682 425 A

  • 180.80m2
  • 6
  • 5
  • 2

Avlabari, Tbilisi

996 341A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) A house is for sale in Avlabari, a historical, tourist-attractive place. It is used for renting out to tourists and provides a solid income. The house is 130 sq. m. meters, the yard is about 100 meters, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, internet, central heating, furniture and appliances are all in order. Interesting and profitable investment. Tel: 555122373 Benno Please agents and brokers refrain, only genuinely interested persons call. The house is rented out for a substantial amount, and in case of purchase, the rental can also be transferred to the new owner if desired.

  • 181.00m2
  • 4
  • 4
  • 3

Mukhiani, Tbilisi

873 504A $ $ A

For Sale 181m2 Old Building Commercial Space (Universal Space) Newly renovated. Price: 873 504 A

  • 181.69m2
  • 3
  • 1(1)
  • 1

Paliashvili st., Vake, Tbilisi

1 009 989A $ $ A

For Sale 182m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 1 009 989 A

  • 182.00m2
  • 6
  • 4
  • 1

Shindisi, Tbilisi

791 613A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) I built a house in 2019 and we still live there. View of Tbilisi. Stained glass windows. Floor heating on the first floor, on the second floor (radiators in the bedrooms) on the coldest days of winter, I have not raised the boiler above 45 degrees and at home it is 25-26 degrees. The yard is leveled and greened. Almond, peach, almond, pomegranate, American walnut seedlings are planted. Also a large Georgian walnut tree. Along the fence, 4 rose bushes. Irrigation system with both drip and rain effect. Automatic (rolling) gate. 20 cm of reinforced concrete is poured in the parking lot for 2 cars. The pool is not finished, reinforced concrete has been poured, technology (circulation pump and filtration room. Spanish metal lach is laid around it.

  • 182.00m2
  • 5
  • 3
  • 2

Ir. Abashidze st., Vake, Tbilisi

709 722A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) On Irakli Abashidze Street, a spacious apartment with an attic, oak parquet, two balconies, a fireplace and a cellar is for sale.

  • 182.00m2
  • 5
  • 2
  • 1

Arsena st., Mtatsminda, Tbilisi

818 910A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) A private house on Mtatsminda is for sale

  • 182.00m2
  • 7
  • 5
  • 3

Gorgasali turn, Ortachala, Tbilisi

846 207A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) An apartment in a finished building is for sale. On the second floor of a four-story residential building. Bright apartment with four balconies. Fully renovated, with high quality materials. A heating boiler and floor heating are installed in the entire apartment. It is equipped with a high-quality elevator. With a parking space in front of the building. The building is located in a prestigious private settlement. A green square with a playground is located near the complex, and in its vicinity are located: a public school, a private garden, a sports and health complex with pools. Chain supermarkets, clinics, pharmacies, banks, fitness centers, embassies and ministries.

  • 182.50m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 3

Tarkhnishvili st., Vera, Tbilisi

928 098A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) Apartment for sale on Vera, Tarkhnishvili Street, 187 sq.m. apartment, with its parking, mansard perspective. Furniture, appliances remain in the apartment. 5 minutes from Rustaveli metro.

  • 184.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2

Zedazeni pass., Nadzaladevi, Tbilisi

600 534A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) New house for sale

  • 185.00m2
  • 9
  • 5
  • 3

Tskneti, Tbilisi

1 132 826A $ $ A

For Sale 185m2 New building Private House Newly renovated. Price: 1 132 826 A

  • 185.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2

Panaskerteli-Tsitsishvili st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

592 345A $ $ A

For Sale 185m2 Nonstandard Old Building Flat Renovated. Price: 592 345 A

  • 185.00m2
  • 5
  • 4
  • 2

Tskneti, Tbilisi

1 501 335A $ $ A

For Sale 185m2 New building Private House Renovated. Price: 1 501 335 A

  • 185.00m2
  • 6
  • 4
  • 2

Kekelidze st., Vake, Tbilisi

818 910A $ $ A

For Sale 185m2 Nonstandard Old Building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 818 910 A

  • 185.00m2
  • 5
  • 3
  • 2

K. Kutateladze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

1 009 989A $ $ A

For Sale 185m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 1 009 989 A

  • 185.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2

Tsavkisi, Tbilisi

586 886A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) Newly built 185 sq.m. House in Tsavkis, Guramishvili street. The area of ​​the yard is 400 sq. There are perennial maple and ifan trees in the yard. The house has a garage, a cellar, a studio-type living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a balcony and a veranda with a view of Tbilisi.

  • 185.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2

T. Tabidze st., Vake, Tbilisi

1 424 903A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) A newly renovated apartment is for sale on Tabidze street, facing Vaki Park. Corner flat.

  • 185.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
For Sale 180m2 New building Private House White frame. Price: 310000$
  • 1

For Sale Private House on Mtatsminda dist.

D. Kipiani st., Mtatsminda, Tbilisi

  • 180.00m2
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
For Sale 180m2 Nonstandard Old Building Flat Not renovated. Price: 250000$
  • 7

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

Vazha-Pshavela ave., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 180.80m2
  • 6
  • 5
  • 2
(Auto Translate!) A house is for sale in Avlabari, a historical, tourist-attractive place. It is used for renting out to tourists and provides a solid income. The house is 130 sq. m. meters, the yard is about 100 meters, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, internet, central heating, furniture and appliances are all in order. Interesting and profitable investment. Tel: 555122373 Benno Please agents and brokers refrain, only genuinely interested persons call. The house is rented out for a substantial amount, and in case of purchase, the rental can also be transferred to the new owner if desired.
  • 3

For Sale Private House in Avlabari dist.

Avlabari, Tbilisi

  • 181.00m2
  • 4
  • 4
  • 3
For Sale 181m2 Old Building Commercial Space (Universal Space) Newly renovated. Price: 320000$
  • 1

For Sale Universal Space in Mukhiani dist.

Mukhiani, Tbilisi

  • 181.69m2
  • 3
  • 1(1)
  • 1
For Sale 182m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 370000$
  • 12

For Sale Flat in Vake dist.

Paliashvili st., Vake, Tbilisi

  • 182.00m2
  • 6
  • 4
  • 1
(Auto Translate!) I built a house in 2019 and we still live there. View of Tbilisi. Stained glass windows. Floor heating on the first floor, on the second floor (radiators in the bedrooms) on the coldest days of winter, I have not raised the boiler above 45 degrees and at home it is 25-26 degrees. The yard is leveled and greened. Almond, peach, almond, pomegranate, American walnut seedlings are planted. Also a large Georgian walnut tree. Along the fence, 4 rose bushes. Irrigation system with both drip and rain effect. Automatic (rolling) gate. 20 cm of reinforced concrete is poured in the parking lot for 2 cars. The pool is not finished, reinforced concrete has been poured, technology (circulation pump and filtration room. Spanish metal lach is laid around it.
  • 5

For Sale Private House in Shindisi

Shindisi, Tbilisi

  • 182.00m2
  • 5
  • 3
  • 2
(Auto Translate!) On Irakli Abashidze Street, a spacious apartment with an attic, oak parquet, two balconies, a fireplace and a cellar is for sale.
  • 29

For Sale Flat in Vake dist.

Ir. Abashidze st., Vake, Tbilisi

  • 182.00m2
  • 5
  • 2
  • 1
(Auto Translate!) A private house on Mtatsminda is for sale
  • 26

For Sale Private House on Mtatsminda dist.

Arsena st., Mtatsminda, Tbilisi

  • 182.00m2
  • 7
  • 5
  • 3
(Auto Translate!) An apartment in a finished building is for sale. On the second floor of a four-story residential building. Bright apartment with four balconies. Fully renovated, with high quality materials. A heating boiler and floor heating are installed in the entire apartment. It is equipped with a high-quality elevator. With a parking space in front of the building. The building is located in a prestigious private settlement. A green square with a playground is located near the complex, and in its vicinity are located: a public school, a private garden, a sports and health complex with pools. Chain supermarkets, clinics, pharmacies, banks, fitness centers, embassies and ministries.
  • 12

For Sale Flat in Ortachala

Gorgasali turn, Ortachala, Tbilisi

  • 182.50m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 3
(Auto Translate!) Apartment for sale on Vera, Tarkhnishvili Street, 187 sq.m. apartment, with its parking, mansard perspective. Furniture, appliances remain in the apartment. 5 minutes from Rustaveli metro.
  • 12

For Sale Flat on Vera dist.

Tarkhnishvili st., Vera, Tbilisi

  • 184.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
(Auto Translate!) New house for sale
  • 6

For Sale Private House in Nadzaladevi dist.

Zedazeni pass., Nadzaladevi, Tbilisi

  • 185.00m2
  • 9
  • 5
  • 3
For Sale 185m2 New building Private House Newly renovated. Price: 415000$
  • 11

For Sale Private House in Tskneti dist.

Tskneti, Tbilisi

  • 185.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
For Sale 185m2 Nonstandard Old Building Flat Renovated. Price: 217000$
  • 11

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

Panaskerteli-Tsitsishvili st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 185.00m2
  • 5
  • 4
  • 2
For Sale 185m2 New building Private House Renovated. Price: 550000$
  • 9

For Sale Private House in Tskneti dist.

Tskneti, Tbilisi

  • 185.00m2
  • 6
  • 4
  • 2
For Sale 185m2 Nonstandard Old Building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 300000$
  • 5

For Sale Flat in Vake dist.

Kekelidze st., Vake, Tbilisi

  • 185.00m2
  • 5
  • 3
  • 2
For Sale 185m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 370000$
  • 11

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

K. Kutateladze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 185.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
(Auto Translate!) Newly built 185 sq.m. House in Tsavkis, Guramishvili street. The area of ​​the yard is 400 sq. There are perennial maple and ifan trees in the yard. The house has a garage, a cellar, a studio-type living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a balcony and a veranda with a view of Tbilisi.

    For Sale Private House in Tsavkisi

    Tsavkisi, Tbilisi

    • 185.00m2
    • 4
    • 3
    • 2
    (Auto Translate!) A newly renovated apartment is for sale on Tabidze street, facing Vaki Park. Corner flat.
    • 3

    For Sale Flat in Vake dist.

    T. Tabidze st., Vake, Tbilisi

    • 185.00m2
    • 4
    • 3
    • 2