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Found 2742 ads

M. Aleksidze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

704 263A $ $ A

For Sale 193m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Renovated. Price: 704 263 A

  • 193.00m2
  • 5
  • 3
  • 2

Ortachala st., Ortachala, Tbilisi

600 534A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) Universal commercial space for rent, on Ortachali Street in Krtsanis.

  • 194.00m2
  • 1
  • 1(4)
  • 1

Digomi village, Tbilisi

791 613A $ $ A

For Sale 195m2 New building Private House Newly renovated. Price: 791 613 A

  • 195.00m2
  • 5
  • 4
  • 5

S. Tsintsadze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

982 692A $ $ A

For Sale 195m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 982 692 A

  • 195.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 3

Paliashvili st., Vake, Tbilisi

928 098A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) The apartment is located in Vake, Paliashvili. According to the project, the apartment has three bedrooms (with their own bathrooms, a living room and a separate kitchen. A large veranda, 60 square meters is on the Paliashvili side, and the second veranda is 15 square meters on the Mukhadze side.

  • 195.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 3

Ir. Abashidze st., Vake, Tbilisi

1 173 771A $ $ A

For Sale 195m2 Nonstandard Old Building Flat Old renovated. Price: 1 173 771 A

  • 195.40m2
  • 6
  • 4
  • 2

Pipiebi st., Didube, Tbilisi

655 128A $ $ A

For Sale 195m2 New building Commercial Space (Hotel) Renovated. Price: 655 128 A

  • 195.90m2
  • 7
  • 2(2)
  • 7

I. Chavchavadze Ave., Vake, Tbilisi

955 395A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) For sale urgently with higher repairs and views of the city

  • 196.00m2
  • 6
  • 3
  • 3

Nutsubidze II Plateau, Tbilisi

805 262A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) The third and fourth floors of a private house with an independent entrance and a cozy yard are for sale.

  • 196.00m2
  • 3
  • 2
  • 2

Tamarashvili st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

722 279A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) Office space with furniture for sale/rent on Kavtaradze street, isolated floor. The office is fully equipped, all rooms have air conditioning, heating, furniture. You can directly log in and start working. 2+ parking spaces, easily accessible by public transport.

  • 196.00m2
  • 8
  • 5(12)
  • 3

Didi digomi, Tbilisi

818 910A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) I am the owner. For sale in the village of Dighomi, built and renovated with the best materials. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 balconies, terrace, latest appliances. The built-in furniture and appliances remain. The house was built three years ago. A private house in a prestigious area, built and renovated with the best materials. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 balconies, terrace, latest appliances.

  • 197.00m2
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3

Shavgulidze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

565 321A $ $ A

For Sale 197m2 New building Commercial Space (Universal Space) Black frame. Price: 565 321 A

  • 197.27m2
  • 6
  • 1(8)
  • 0

Lubliana st., Digomi, Tbilisi

4 094 550A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) For sale, 1508 square meters of land with 200 square meters of commercial space

  • 197.45m2
  • 1
  • 1(1)
  • 1

Ana Kalandadze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

682 425A $ $ A

For Sale 197m2 Nonstandard Old Building Flat Renovated. Price: 682 425 A

  • 197.58m2
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3

T. Gvimradze St., Digomi 8, Tbilisi

791 613A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) 3-storey newly built house for sale in Digomi 8, in a very rich area and in a very cozy place, 1 floor is completely living room, studio kitchen and bathroom. 4 bedrooms and a bathroom on the 2nd floor. 1st floor with 1 large bedroom, study, closet, bathroom and veranda. The house is completely warm. The kitchen is completely covered with bricks and built-in natural walnut cabinets, fitted with natural wood "motherboard". The yard is paved with basalt, the lawn is made with automatic irrigation system, the spring is built of cobblestone and there is a green marble (diabase) table. The area is a recreational area and the construction of a nearby building is excluded, the construction of several hectares of forest park has been announced on the other side of the road.

  • 197.81m2
  • 8
  • 5
  • 3

Tamarashvili st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

955 395A $ $ A

For Sale 198m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 955 395 A

  • 198.00m2
  • 5
  • 3
  • 2

Digomi village, Tbilisi

818 910A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) 192 sq.m. house for sale on 600 sq.m. land, living room, kitchen, dining room, 4 bedrooms, with its wardrobes, 5 bathrooms, yard, barbecue, swimming pool, renovation and furniture, beautiful design, large veranda and drying room.

  • 198.00m2
  • 7
  • 4
  • 5

Krtsanisi str., Krtsanisi, Tbilisi

4 094 550A $ $ A

(Auto Translate!) House for sale in the central part of Tbilisi Hills complex. Construction and renovations were completed in February 2024. The area is equipped with a grass cover with an irrigation system, an open pool with a protective shutter, two parking spaces with a roof, as well as a veranda connected to the guest room and kitchen. On the first floor there are: dressing room, laundry room, bathroom with shower, living room, kitchen, pantry and a stairwell that connects to the second floor, where there are two bedrooms and a shared bathroom. A large part of the floor is occupied by the 'master bedroom' with a balcony. A split system of air conditioner is installed in all rooms. There is underfloor heating in the first floor and second floor bathrooms, and wall radiators in the bedrooms and study. In addition to the stained glass windows in the studio space, there is a convector system. All built-in and freestanding furniture/appliances shown in photos will remain in the home. In addition to the protection of the entire complex, there are cameras and an intercom installed locally in the area. Night lighting is also installed on the facades, landscape and pool.

  • 198.00m2
  • 5
  • 3
  • 3
For Sale 193m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Renovated. Price: 258000$
  • 12

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

M. Aleksidze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 193.00m2
  • 5
  • 3
  • 2
(Auto Translate!) Universal commercial space for rent, on Ortachali Street in Krtsanis.
  • 6

For Sale Universal Space in Ortachala

Ortachala st., Ortachala, Tbilisi

  • 194.00m2
  • 1
  • 1(4)
  • 1
For Sale 195m2 New building Private House Newly renovated. Price: 290000$
  • 57

For Sale Private House in Digomi village

Digomi village, Tbilisi

  • 195.00m2
  • 5
  • 4
  • 5
For Sale 195m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 360000$
  • 11

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

S. Tsintsadze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 195.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 3
(Auto Translate!) The apartment is located in Vake, Paliashvili. According to the project, the apartment has three bedrooms (with their own bathrooms, a living room and a separate kitchen. A large veranda, 60 square meters is on the Paliashvili side, and the second veranda is 15 square meters on the Mukhadze side.
  • 3

For Sale Flat in Vake dist.

Paliashvili st., Vake, Tbilisi

  • 195.00m2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 3
For Sale 195m2 Nonstandard Old Building Flat Old renovated. Price: 430000$
  • 12

For Sale Flat in Vake dist.

Ir. Abashidze st., Vake, Tbilisi

  • 195.40m2
  • 6
  • 4
  • 2
For Sale 195m2 New building Commercial Space (Hotel) Renovated. Price: 240000$
  • 8

For Sale Hotel in Didube dist.

Pipiebi st., Didube, Tbilisi

  • 195.90m2
  • 7
  • 2(2)
  • 7
(Auto Translate!) For sale urgently with higher repairs and views of the city
  • 16

For Sale Flat in Vake dist.

I. Chavchavadze Ave., Vake, Tbilisi

  • 196.00m2
  • 6
  • 3
  • 3
(Auto Translate!) The third and fourth floors of a private house with an independent entrance and a cozy yard are for sale.
  • 8

For Sale Private House on Nutsubidze II Plateau

Nutsubidze II Plateau, Tbilisi

  • 196.00m2
  • 3
  • 2
  • 2
(Auto Translate!) Office space with furniture for sale/rent on Kavtaradze street, isolated floor. The office is fully equipped, all rooms have air conditioning, heating, furniture. You can directly log in and start working. 2+ parking spaces, easily accessible by public transport.
  • 16

For Sale Office on Saburtalo dist.

Tamarashvili st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 196.00m2
  • 8
  • 5(12)
  • 3
(Auto Translate!) I am the owner. For sale in the village of Dighomi, built and renovated with the best materials. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 balconies, terrace, latest appliances. The built-in furniture and appliances remain. The house was built three years ago. A private house in a prestigious area, built and renovated with the best materials. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 balconies, terrace, latest appliances.
  • 12

For Sale Private House in Didi digomi dist.

Didi digomi, Tbilisi

  • 197.00m2
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
For Sale 197m2 New building Commercial Space (Universal Space) Black frame. Price: 207100$
  • 2

For Sale Universal Space on Saburtalo dist.

Shavgulidze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 197.27m2
  • 6
  • 1(8)
  • 0
(Auto Translate!) For sale, 1508 square meters of land with 200 square meters of commercial space
  • 1

For Sale Universal Space in Digomi dist.

Lubliana st., Digomi, Tbilisi

  • 197.45m2
  • 1
  • 1(1)
  • 1
For Sale 197m2 Nonstandard Old Building Flat Renovated. Price: 250000$
  • 10

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

Ana Kalandadze st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 197.58m2
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
(Auto Translate!) 3-storey newly built house for sale in Digomi 8, in a very rich area and in a very cozy place, 1 floor is completely living room, studio kitchen and bathroom. 4 bedrooms and a bathroom on the 2nd floor. 1st floor with 1 large bedroom, study, closet, bathroom and veranda. The house is completely warm. The kitchen is completely covered with bricks and built-in natural walnut cabinets, fitted with natural wood "motherboard". The yard is paved with basalt, the lawn is made with automatic irrigation system, the spring is built of cobblestone and there is a green marble (diabase) table. The area is a recreational area and the construction of a nearby building is excluded, the construction of several hectares of forest park has been announced on the other side of the road.
  • 16

For Sale Private House in Digomi 8

T. Gvimradze St., Digomi 8, Tbilisi

  • 197.81m2
  • 8
  • 5
  • 3
For Sale 198m2 Nonstandard New building Flat Newly renovated. Price: 350000$
  • 12

For Sale Flat on Saburtalo dist.

Tamarashvili st., Saburtalo, Tbilisi

  • 198.00m2
  • 5
  • 3
  • 2
(Auto Translate!) 192 sq.m. house for sale on 600 sq.m. land, living room, kitchen, dining room, 4 bedrooms, with its wardrobes, 5 bathrooms, yard, barbecue, swimming pool, renovation and furniture, beautiful design, large veranda and drying room.
  • 24

For Sale Private House in Digomi village

Digomi village, Tbilisi

  • 198.00m2
  • 7
  • 4
  • 5
(Auto Translate!) House for sale in the central part of Tbilisi Hills complex. Construction and renovations were completed in February 2024. The area is equipped with a grass cover with an irrigation system, an open pool with a protective shutter, two parking spaces with a roof, as well as a veranda connected to the guest room and kitchen. On the first floor there are: dressing room, laundry room, bathroom with shower, living room, kitchen, pantry and a stairwell that connects to the second floor, where there are two bedrooms and a shared bathroom. A large part of the floor is occupied by the 'master bedroom' with a balcony. A split system of air conditioner is installed in all rooms. There is underfloor heating in the first floor and second floor bathrooms, and wall radiators in the bedrooms and study. In addition to the stained glass windows in the studio space, there is a convector system. All built-in and freestanding furniture/appliances shown in photos will remain in the home. In addition to the protection of the entire complex, there are cameras and an intercom installed locally in the area. Night lighting is also installed on the facades, landscape and pool.
  • 6

For Sale Private House in Krtsanisi dist.

Krtsanisi str., Krtsanisi, Tbilisi

  • 198.00m2
  • 5
  • 3
  • 3